John Montiel

John Montiel
Top Dog / Wolf Pack of One
(602) 317-8156

I’ve been developing software since the mid eighties. I learned COBOL at school and on a Honeywell GCOS operating system working for a subsidiary of Dow Chemical. COBOL was the primary language I used for over 2 decades at American Express on the IBM mainframes, developing for batch and online applications in CICS and IMS environments. I also dabbled with DOS based workstation applications (apps in terminals), the Web and Internet technologies, and foreshadowing the passion of my career, a yearlong stint with a handheld tablet and a c++ based operating system and development environment created by Go Corporation. My mainframe career ended in 2009, a couple years after the initial rollout of the iPhone and subsequently the App Store. I saw how Apple was growing a vast developer community and creating a new market.

I knew I had to be part of the mobile development community. So I mentored with seasoned Apple developers, freelanced, contracted as well as take full time positions for the next several years. I was hired at State Farm as their lead iOS developer and was part of building their mobile enterprise application solution team. I worked a brief time at Apriva, an omni channel payment solutions provider. My work there enabled me to develop the Dave and Busters Charger app, and more recently deploy a branded payment app for Heartland Mobile Pay, where I also integrated a bluetooth connected payment card reader. I joined Black Pixel in October of 2018 – achieving a career aspiration. In September of 2020 I joined Medable, Inc. and work with the most diverse and talented team I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with.

Overall, it’s been a fantastic journey for me.

I continue to take on independent projects and collaborations.

LinkedIn Profile:

“My bracket coding style is the K&R style’s (Kernighan and Ritchie’s used in the book The C Programming Language)  Stroustrup variant (Bjarne Stroustrup‘s used in the book The C++ Programming Language) – I never cuddle an ‘else’!”

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